The benefits of a positive review can’t be overstated when it comes to your long-term success as an Amazon seller. Unfortunately, getting people to write reviews after purchasing your product can prove to be an uphill battle. Amazon sellers need to know how to get more reviews on Amazon so that they can more effectively market their goods.
Amazon reviews are a crucial component of a successful business, and the retail giant has some tools in place to help you boost positive reviews.
If you’re ready to learn more about getting real reviews for your products, here are a few solutions you should be aware of. Let’s dive in!
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9 Best Ways to Get More Reviews on Amazon
It can be a challenge to get reviews on Amazon, but some of these tips, tricks, and tools will allow you to leverage sales into a review strategy that keeps your business moving forward.
These nine options can be combined to inspire others to leave reviews on your profile.
1. Jungle Scout Automated Review Requests

For those who are running a successful Amazon business, chances are that you have already heard about the amazing tool Jungle Scout.
Many people turn to this tool to validate ideas for what they can sell on the mega-retailer with minimal competition and high-profit margins.
It’s a tool you don’t want to miss out on if you want to grow an Amazon business of any kind, but it is also part of a robust review strategy.
While you can manually request reviews on Amazon with the review button (we’ll look at this in a little bit), Jungle Scout allows you to automate this process.
Instead of going into each order and selecting the “request a review” button manually, you can now batch these review requests via the Chrome extension.
For more information on how this tool can help you grow, be sure to see our full Jungle Scout review here.
2. Request Reviews on Amazon with a Single Click

Of course, not every business owner has the means to purchase another tool like Jungle Scout, but they still need to get reviews on Amazon. It might not be as convenient as the Chrome extension listed above, but you can manually request reviews by going into each order on Amazon and clicking the review button.
All you have to do is navigate to your Seller Central account. After opening each order, you will find a button in the top right-hand corner of the screen that simply says, “request a review.”
You can send out these requests four to thirty days after the purchase event.
Note that it is right next to the “refund order” button, so be careful where you click!
After clicking, Amazon sends an automated email to your customers asking them to leave an honest review. You won’t be able to customize this letter, but it will look official and professional coming directly from Amazon.
3. Ask During a Customer Service Conversation

One of the rules of requesting reviews on Amazon is that you can’t email your customers directly to ask them to leave reviews on your product. If you want to learn how to get more reviews on Amazon, you need to think about leveraging other interactions.
For example, there are no rules against asking for reviews during the course of a customer service conversation. When someone writes in for help with a product, you can finish up the exchange with a request for a review.
This means that you should know whether they were satisfied with the resolution. You are far more likely to get positive reviews if the customer service interaction went well.
If you were unable to solve their issue, they might be more apt to leave negative reviews, so you might avoid asking.
4. Cultivate an Email List of Your Own

Getting more positive reviews for your brand might be as simple as having a way to reach out to them apart from your Amazon account.
An email marketing newsletter is a list that you actually own — and better yet, the people who sign up actually want to be there and to hear from you.
They are less likely to leave negative reviews because they are all in on your goods and services.
All you have to do is include a link to leave reviews at the bottom of your regular email newsletter. Unlike leaving reviews on Amazon, you might find a decrease in fake reviews when you solicit reviews from people who already know, love, and trust your brand.
This is also a great way to send personalized review requests to those you know purchased through your link in your email newsletter.
This isn’t review manipulation because you own the email list and have permission to contact them about your goods and services.
5. Leverage Social Media Followings

Much like your email newsletter, social media is a great place to look for positive reviews. People who follow you here are typically some of your biggest fans and want to hear more from you, which means that they are likely to buy your product and leave reviews.
Since you know that your social media audience is full of happy customers, you can rest easy knowing that a negative review is unlikely.
That being said, fake reviews can certainly come from social media posts as there are trolls in every corner of the internet.
For those who need a few reviews, it might be worth the risk to use social media as a way to leverage your seller reviews.
If you need some seller feedback or just more Amazon reviews in general, you can create a short campaign to target social media fans.
Come up with some great graphics in Canva and share your link to where they can leave more Amazon reviews.
6. Invest in Product Inserts

Did you know that your packaging could lead to a positive review? When you want to get reviews on Amazon, it helps if you ask for them directly when the product arrives on their doorstep.
A product insert does just that, but you have to frame them the right way.
Instead of jumping right into your request for Amazon reviews, write them a short note of appreciation for their purchase.
Nobody likes to feel used for bigger profit margins, so make each customer feel as though their business is truly valued.
That doesn’t necessarily mean writing customized thank-you notes. Instead, you can make them as user-friendly for your entire audience as possible. Include a thank you note and information about customer service, and then ask directly for a review.
7. Amazon Vine Program

Amazon Vine is a key way that you can get some positive reviews for a new product, but it will cost you. While Amazon doesn’t allow you to pay people for reviews, you can pay to be a part of Vine.
Under this program, you have access to a team of Vine Voices, which are Amazon customers who have a history of leaving detailed feedback.
People are added to this Amazon Vine program by invitation only, so you can rest assured that Amazon has fully vetted each candidate.
This method can get you as many as thirty quality reviews, which can substantially assist you in reaching new heights in your business. The catch is that it is going to cost you. You not only have to provide up to thirty units of free product to your Vine Voices, but you have to pay a $200 enrollment fee also.
For more information on eligibility for Vine Voices, see the step-by-step guide found here.
It is worth noting that you may actually get some negative reviews from this program. Vine Voices members are known for their impartial and detailed reviews.
If your item misses the mark, they will be sure to let you know, and your seller feedback might suffer a negative review. Check out our article on how to delete an Amazon review here.
There is no guarantee of a five-star review, though you will get plenty of honest reviews.
8. Amazon Early Reviewer Program

Unfortunately, the Amazon Early Reviewer Program has been closed. This used to be a powerful tool to ask for seller feedback and review requests, but the Vine reviews are the new replacement.
You may still find products that bear the orange badge associated with the Amazon Early Review program, but it is not open to more customers.
Hopefully, Amazon will think about bringing its Early Reviewer Program back in future years.
9. Discount Your Product Periodically

Everyone loves to feel like they are getting a deal, but you can’t necessarily offer incentivized reviews. Amazon frowns upon offering people free products for early reviews or discounts simply in exchange for positive reviews. Instead, you can use regular discounts as a part of a robust review strategy.
If you want to generate more sales and genuine reviews in the early days of a new product launch, you can offer an initial discount code for your followers.
The benefit of offering discount codes is that your review group will be more likely to give a new item a chance if they feel they are getting a good deal.
Even if you don’t yet have a product review, a substantial discount offers the opportunity to try your item with very little risk.
This is a great method when you first launch something new in your Seller Central account, but you can also use it to manufacture review groups year-round.
Offer a discount every so often, such as quarterly, to persuade people to leave you a real positive review.
How Many Reviews Do You Need?
If you have made it this far and are thinking about increasing your verified reviews, you might be wondering how many people need to leave positive reviews and high-star ratings. Whether you are using Amazon Vine reviewers or leveraging your email newsletter, having a review strategy can boost your sales.
The question is: how many people need to leave you reviews on Amazon?
According to AMZScout, an item with even one positive review is 65 percent more likely to be purchased. This is great news for anyone looking to get reviews on Amazon. You can start to scale your sales relatively quickly when those reviews rack up.
In today’s age, most people want some form of social proof in the form of a product review or seller feedback before they are willing to part with their money. The same study found that positive reviews from Amazon users who were satisfied customers boosted sales by 20 percent.
The economy might have made them a little more skeptical of unproven products. They want to know you have good customer service and are used to meeting customer expectations.
Get started on bolstering your Amazon account and review count today to boost sales.
Final Thoughts: How to Get More Reviews on Amazon
Does it feel impossible to get reviews on Amazon for your product? Whether it’s a new item or one that’s been around for a while, sending review requests can feel challenging because you never know who left negative reviews or even fake reviews of your product.
A negative review can damage your sales, so you need to do everything possible to get good feedback from your Amazon buyers.
With some of these tips and tools, you can start to get more reviews on Amazon and see positive feedback stack up with five-star reviews. Decide what you can do to generate more sales and get your Amazon seller account in front of more people today.