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How I Made $6,179 Last Month as an Amazon Influencer

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A year ago, I didn’t know what the Amazon Influencer program was. Now I have over 1,000 videos and made over $6,000 in December.

This is unlike the Amazon Associates program.

You don’t need a website, you don’t use an affiliate link, in fact you don’t send ANY traffic at all!

Watch the Full Video

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Learn how I generated over $6,000 in one month posting random household item videos on Amazon product pages.

I dive into how I was able to outsource the video creation and exactly how much it cost me to do this. In addition, I share my overall revenue since I started and how profitable this side hustle has become for me.

I give several examples of real influencers and videos, so you can fully understand the Amazon Influencer program. Want to learn more about how to be successful with the Amazon Influencer?

I recommend taking the Jungle Influencer Course here.

Enjoy the video? Be sure to subscribe!

And if you want to hear more from me, you can join the Niche Pursuits Newsletter right here:{ margin-top: 80px;
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